Five year Visa for Spouse Visa or Partner of EEA or Swiss Citizens, under new rules for Brexit
For ease of reference, we will call this visa as "Brexit Spouse/Partner Visa"
You can apply under this category if you are a national of a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland and you are married to or in civil partnership with or you are cohabiting(living together) for at least immediate last 2 years with an EEA/Swiss Citizen (excluding British Citizens, see exception below) and wish to continue to live with your Spouse (Husband/Wife) or Civil Partner (CP) or Unmarried Partner in the UK.
This visa can be applied only from inside the UK. In order to apply, the following requirements must be met:
Sponsor must:
be either a EEA or Swiss national
a dual British plus EEA/Swiss national & has lived in the UK before getting British Citizenship
be already be living in the UK
Brexit Spouse or Partner Visa Requirements:
Relationship Requirement - Your relationship must be genuine and subsisting on the date of the application
Age Requirement - You and your Spouse must be at least 18 years of age
If applying as Married/CP - You should have a valid and legal Marriage/Civil Partnership certificate, which is valid as per the laws of the country where the Marriage/CP was entered into
If applying as Unmarried Partners - You should provide evidence of cohabitation(living together) with the Sponsor, in the last 2 years immediately before this application, any where in the world
You and your Spouse/Partner must have met each other in person
You must intend to live together with your Spouse/ Partner in the UK
Your and your Spouse's any previous relationships must have permanently broken down (In case of previously married individuals, Final Divorce document required)
Dependants on Brexit Spouse or Partner Visa:
You can also include your children who are under 18 years of age, to accompany you as your dependants on your Spouse/CP visa.
Where to apply from:
You can apply from inside the UK
Duration/Validity of the Brexit Spouse or Partner Visa:
This visa is given for 5 years in the form of a Biometric Residence Card("BRC") (a card the size of a Driving Licence)
Rights/Obligations whilst living in the UK on a Spouse Visa:
You can work in the UK without any restrictions. You may establish a business or accept offers of employment without requiring a work permit.
You can receive public funds to assist you/your dependants with your/your dependants living and accommodation costs.
You are eligible to study in the UK without any restrictions
Visa Processing time:
The UKVI takes about 1 to 4 weeks from the date of the biometric enrolment appointment, to process the application. Then from the date of decision, you will receive the BRC within 5 to 10 business days.
Applying for Settlement in the UK:
If you and your Spouse/Partner continued to be in a relationship and and lived together for 5 years, then you may apply for Settlement at the end of your 5 years stay in the UK on a the Spouse/CP/Unmarried Partner visa
30 min
150 British pounds