Cohabitation ('living together') Documents
Cohabitation means that the Applicant and the Sponsor are living together at the same address. Please note that Cohabitation need not necessarily be in the UK, it can be in any Country.
Collection of documents addressed to either the Applicant or Sponsor or both (joint accounts, etc.) at the same address. At least 6 items of the Applicant and the Sponsor each. A joint document is considered as 1 each for both the Applicant and the Sponsor.
Clarification: If you are unable to produce full 6 items of cohabitation evidence, then depending on the circumstances of the case and other evidence, you may still be able to successfully get a visa. We have successfully been able to obtain a successful outcome with 3 items of correspondence. However, this would depend on the facts of the case and available documentation.
Examples of acceptable items of correspondence:
Letters or other documents from government departments or agencies of any Country. In the UK, the examples of such departments or agencies would be Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), TV Licensing
Letters or other documents from your General Practitioner (GP), a hospital or other local health service about medical treatments, appointments, home visits or other medical matters
Bank statements/letters
Building society savings books/letters
Council tax bills or statements
Electricity and/or gas bills or statements
Water rates bills or statements
Internet bills
Mortgage statements/agreement
Tenancy agreement(s)
Telephone bills or statements
30 min
150 British pounds