List of documents required to file a United Kingdom (UK) Spouse visa or Civil Partner visa for Spouse or Civil Partner of an EU/EEA National from Overseas(outside the UK), under the new rules for Brexit (Settlement Scheme)
(All documents must be free from any staples, clips or pins):
Main documents:
Applicant’s current passport - to be submited outside UK
Copy of Sponsor’s current EU Passport(photo page) or EU ID(both sides) - there is no need to get it certified as true copy
Sponsor's Application Reference number under the Settlement Scheme confirming that the Sponsor has either Pre-settled or Settled status in the UK
Marriage Certificate or Civil Partnership Certificate
Statement from the Applicant detailing their relationship
Statement from the Sponsor detailing their relationship
Land Registry or Tenancy Agreement
Council Tax bill
(If the property is not owned or rented by the Applicant or the Sponsor or jointly, then a letter from the individual/s who own or rent the property confirming that they are happy for the Sponsor, the Applicant and their children's(if any) to live in their property and a copy of their ID document such as Passport or Driving Licence, etc.)
List of people(other than the Couple) living in the Property - Name, Age, Relationship to Applicant, Relationship to Sponsor
Previous Relationships:
Divorce Certificates - evidencing that any previous marriages are dissolved or Death Certificate if former spouse/civil partner has died
Current Relationship:
(below are some of the examples, you can give any similar documents that may support in proving that the relationship is genuine and continuing on the date of application and this also evidences that the couple have invested considerable amount of time, effort and monies into the relationship. This may help to get the application approved without an interview, if possible)
Etickets of travels and Hotel bookings -- spent time together - upto maximum last 2 years
Pictures of relationship (about 20 pictures maximum, about 4 for every event), preferably with the Couple and other people together, to evidence that the couple are public with their relationship
Any evidence to prove that you both were studying in the same university campus or working for the same employer, etc. at the same time, if applicable
Social Media (Facebook, Whatsapp, Text, Viber, Skype, etc.) chat messages printout - every month 1 page - upto maximum last 2 years
Emails - every month 1 page/1 email - upto maximum last 2 years
Bank statements evidencing Money transfers to each other
Documents evidencing any joint liability, such as a Joint Credit Card, Joint Mortgage, etc.
Life insurance documents or Wills evidencing that the Applicant and the Sponsor are beneficiaries of each others assets, etc.
Cohabitation Evidence (Proof of Living together), if applicable
If applicable and available, cohabitation evidence for up to last 2 years should be submitted as it will help to prove that the relationship is genuine and continuing on the date of application. Below are the examples of the cohabitation evidence:
Items/Documents of correspondence from 6 different sources each for the Applicant and the Sponsor
The Documents should be spread across last 2 years from the date of application (monthly items - at least 4 documents per year spread across the year, all of the documents which are quarterly, half-yearly and yearly, online statements with the name and address of the Applicant/Sponsor or both can be printed) addressed to the Applicant or the Sponsor or joint documents addressed to both, examples below:
Bank statements/letters
Council Tax Bill
NHS letters,
HMRC letters,
TV licence
DVLA letters
Telephone Bills/Statements
Water rates bills/statements
Internet bills
Tenancy Agreement
Any online purchase invoices, like ebay invoices, amazon invoices, etc.
If married/entered into Civil Partnership within last 6 months from the date of application, it is advisable to provide some evidence about the Wedding/Civil Partnership ceremony (this helps to prove the the marriage/civil partnership is genuine and not just conducted for the purpose of the visa)
(the evidence can be from any/all of the below examples or you may give any similar documents that may evidence that the couple are genuinely and strongly invested in the relationship, financially. You do not need to spend lavishly, but whatever evidence you have, it is advisable to provide it)
Receipts of any expenses incurred for the Wedding, such as the Wedding venue Booking, Reception Party booking
Ring receipts
Receipts of both the Applicant and Sponsor’s dresses/clothes to be worn at the wedding
Save the date cards, etc.
30 min
150 British pounds