List of documents required to file Renewal or Extension of Spouse/Partner visa in the UK.
(All documents must be free from any staples,clips or pins):
Main documents:
Applicant’s current passport
Applicant’s Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) Card
Full Copy of Sponsor’s current British Passport(all 36/42 pages)
Marriage Certificate or Civil Partnership Certificate (not required for Unmarried Partners)
Signed Family Consent (download here) - Part 1 to be signed by the Applicant, Part 2 to be signed by the Sponsor, Sponsor’s Declaration to be signed by the Sponsor
English Language:
(check )
English Language test pass certificate – at least level A2, or pass any higher level upto B1, so that it can be used for Settlement/Indefinite Leave to Remain application in future, even if the Certificate is expired
-- Link to book the Trinity College London test (A2 SELT – GESE Grade 3) at
Land Registry or Tenancy Agreement
Council Tax bill
Monthly costs of housing, such as a Mortgage Statement if property is owned by either the Sponsor or the Applicant or jointly
(If the property is not owned or rented by the Applicant or the Sponsor or jointly, then a letter from the individual/s who own or rent the property confirming that they are happy for the Sponsor, the Applicant and their children's(if any) to live in their property and a copy of their ID document such as Passport or Driving Licence, etc.)
List of people living in the Property - Name, Age, Relationship to Applicant, Relationship to Sponsor
Previous Relationships:
Divorce Certificates - evidencing that any previous marriages are dissolved or Death Certificate if former spouse has died
Cohabitation Evidence
(Evidence of Living together):
Items of correspondence from 6 different sources as below(spread across last 2 years from the date of application, monthly items - 4 documents per year spread across the year, all documents which are quarterly, half-yearly and yearly) addressed to the Applicant and the Sponsor or joint documents, examples below: (online statements can be printed)
Bank statements/letters
Council Tax Bill
NHS letters,
HMRC letters,
TV licence
DVLA letters
Telephone Bills/Statements
Water rates bills/statements
Internet bills
Tenancy Agreement
Any online purchase invoices, like ebay invoices, amazon invoices, etc.
Financial Requirement: -
Option 1. Salary from UK employment
Payslips for last 6 months, last one dated within 1 calendar month from the date of application
Corresponding last 6 months Bank statements(either posted or stamped by the bank or with an accompanying letter from the bank) showing the above 6 salary entries
A letter from the employer(s) who issued the payslips confirming -
(i) the person’s employment and gross annual salary;
(ii) the length of their employment;
(iii) the period over which they have been or were paid the level of salary relied upon in the application; and
(iv) the type of employment (permanent, fixed-term contract or agency).
Any shortfall in Income below the financial requirement (check ), may be supplemented by cash savings, following documents required:- Savings
Last 6 months Bank/Investment account statements showing the savings held in the name of the applicant or Sponsor or jointly in both their names, anywhere in the world.
Letter from Broker/Bank to confirm the amount held, period the funds are held and the name of the account holder/beneficiary.
Option 2. Self Employment income
For example if Financial year is ending May 2018, i.e. the 12 months would could from April 2017 to May 2018 and these documents can be used to file the application upto May 2019.
All of the following must be provided:
(i) Company Tax Return CT600 (a copy or print-out) for the last full financial year and evidence this has been filed with HMRC, such as electronic or written acknowledgment from HMRC.
(ii) Evidence of registration with the Registrar of Companies at Companies House.
(iii) If the company is required to produce annual audited accounts, such accounts for the last full financial year.
(iv) If the company is not required to produce annual audited accounts, unaudited accounts for the last full financial year and an accountant’s certificate of confirmation, from an accountant who is a member of a UK Recognized Supervisory Body (as defined in the Companies Act 2006) or who is a member of the Institute of Financial Accountants.
(v) Corporate/business bank statements covering the same 12-month period as the Company Tax Return CT600.
(vi) A current Appointment Report from Companies House.
(vii) One of the following documents must also be provided:
(1) A certificate of VAT registration and the VAT return for the last full financial year (a copy or print-out) confirming the VAT registration number, if turnover is in excess of £79,000 or was in excess of the threshold which applied during the last full financial year.
(2) Proof of ownership or lease of business premises.
(3) Original proof of registration with HMRC as an employer for the purposes of PAYE and National Insurance, proof of PAYE reference number and Accounts Office reference number. This evidence may be in the form of a certified copy of the documentation issued by HMRC.
(c) Where the person is either listed as a director of the company, or is an employee of the company, or both, and receives a salary from the company, all of the following documents must also be provided:
(i) Payslips and P60 (if issued) covering the same period as the Company Tax Return CT600.
(ii) Personal bank statements covering the same 12-month period as the Company Tax Return CT600 showing that the salary as a director or employee of the company (or both) was paid into an account in the name of the person or in the name of the person and their partner jointly.
(d) Where the person receives dividends from the company, all of the following documents must also be provided:
(i) Dividend vouchers for all dividends declared in favour of the person during or in respect of the period covered by the Company Tax Return CT600 showing the company’s and the person’s details with the person’s net dividend amount.
(ii) Personal bank statement(s) showing that those dividends were paid into an account in the name of the person or in the name of the person and their partner jointly.
(e) For the purposes of paragraph 19(a), evidence of ongoing employment as a director or other employee of the company or of ongoing receipt of dividend income from the company must be provided.
This evidence may include payslips (or dividend vouchers) and personal bank statements showing that, in the period since the latest 12-month period covered by the Company Tax Return CT600, the person’s salary as a director or employee of the company (or both) (or dividend income from the company) was paid into an account in the name of the person or in the name of the person and their partner jointly. Alternative evidence may include evidence of ongoing payment of business rates, business-related insurance premiums or employer National Insurance contributions in relation to the company.
Any shortfall in Income below the financial requirement (check ), may be supplemented by cash savings, following documents required:- Savings
Last 6 months Bank/Investment account statements showing the savings held in the name of the applicant or Sponsor or jointly in both their names, anywhere in the world.
Letter from Broker/Bank to confirm
Option 3. Savings
Last 6 months Bank account statements showing the savings held in the name of the Sponsor or Applicant or Jointly (plus an English translation if not in English) from any bank in the world, (Check: )
Letter from Bank to confirm the amount held, period the funds are held and the name of the account holder/beneficiary (plus an English translation if not in English)
30 min
150 British pounds