List of documents and information required to file a Settled status application for EU Nationals and for Non-EU Family Members of EU Nationals
EU Nationals
For EU Nationals with Permanent Residence (PR)
EU Passport
Document Certifying Permanent Residence(‘PR’) or Home Office letter of Approval of PR (If the PR was acquired 5 years before, then proof of residence in the UK* since the grant of PR till the date of application)
For EU Nationals with Indefinite Leave to Remain(ILR)
EU Passport
Home Office letter of Approval of ILR or ILR stamp on a Passport
Proof of residence in the UK* since you were granted ILR till the date of application
For EU Nationals without Permanent Residence who are resident in the UK for the last 5 years
EU Passport
Proof of residence in the UK in the last 5 years
For EU Nationals without Permanent Residence who have not been resident in the UK in the last 5 years, but have been resident in the UK for a continuous period of 5 years, anytime in the last 10 years.
EU Passport
Proof of residence in the UK for a continuous period of 5 years, anytime in the last 10 years.
Non-EU Family Members of EU Nationals
For Non-EU Family members with Permanent Residence
Non-EU Passport or UK Issued Biometric Residence Card/Permit confirming Permanent Residence
All passports used to travel to the UK since the issue of the Permanent Residence, to prove that you have not been out of the UK for a continuous period of 5 years since you were granted Permanent Residence.(If all passports are not available then Proof of residence in the UK* since you were granted Permanent Residence)
For Non-EU Family members without Permanent Residence
Non-EU Passport or UK Issued Biometric Residence Card/Permit confirming that they are a “Family Member of an EEA National” (This card should have been issued in response to an application filed on or after 5th April 2015)
Proof of your relationship with the EU national such as a birth, marriage or civil partnership certificate
All passports used to travel to the UK in the last 5 years (If all passports are not available then Proof of residence in the UK* in the last 5 years )
Copy of EU Nationals Passport or European ID
EU Nationals Proof of residence* in the UK in the last 5 years
For Non-EU Nationals with Retained Rights - Biometric Residence Card
Non-EU Passport or UK Issued Biometric Residence Card confirming Retained rights of residence
All passports used to travel to the UK in the last 5 years (If all passports are not available then Proof of residence in the UK* in the last 5 years )
*Proof of residence in the UK
The proof of residence in the UK should evidence that you were resident in the UK for at least 6 months in any 12 month period for a continuous period of 5 years. Maximum 10 documents can be uploaded, hence, it is better to provide as many as possible documents which cover a longer period of time. At least one piece of evidence is required for every month of residence.
Examples of Documents covering a longer period of time
Council Tax bills (usually covers 1 year),
Annual Bank Statements(would cover 1 year),
Employer’s letter (with their Companies House Registration number) confirming your employment in the UK and the period of employment
Invoice plus Payment evidence for education/training or a Letter from Educational institution (school, college, university, other accredited educational/training organisation), confirming the dates of enrolment, dates you have attended and completed your course.
Student Loans Company or Student Finance Body letter showing your UK address
Residential Mortgage statements plus evidence of mortgage payments
Tenancy Agreement plus evidence of rent payments
Registered Care Home letter confirming the period of residence in the Care Home
Evidence of Employer Pension contributions
Annual Business accounts, if you are Self employed
P60 and/or P45 issued by UK employer
Examples of Documents covering a shorter period of time
(Documents with single date will count only for that month, Documents which have a start and end date with count towards that period)
Bank statements showing receipts and payments made to or from UK Businesses, such as day to day living expenditures, etc.
Payslip for a UK based Job with your name and UK address
Utility bills showing your UK address, such water, gas, electric, broadband, etc.
Domestic bills issued to you and evidence of payment such as home repairs, vet’s services, insurance,
GP card or GP/NHS letters issued to you at your UK address
GP or NHS letters confirming your appointments
Letters from Government Departments such as DVLA, HMRC, DWP, Job Centre Plus or Citizens Advice, etc.
Passport stamp at UK Border confirming your entry to the UK
Used travel ticket confirming your entry to the UK
Invoice and evidence of payment received for work done in the UK
30 min
150 British pounds