You can apply for "Confirmation of Exceptional Assurance" from the UK Home Office COVID-19 Coronavirus Immigration Team (CIT), if you are unable to return to your home country latest by 31 August 2020
(unless you wish to switch to any other UK visa category, then you should apply for that visa as soon as possible)
The possible reasons for you being unable to return to your home country may be:
Flights are not available and/or your flights have been cancelled or postponed and you have a flight booked at a future date
If due to medical conditions and/or age, etc. you are in the high risk group to get affected by Coronavirus
If the Coronavirus conditions in your home country are not improving or have become much worse
You are self-isolating or have contracted Coronavirus
Any other exceptional circumstances
Other reasons, etc.
You will have to fill up the following form, which is available at

Please note that you will need to provide some evidence such as:
Flight cancellation evidence or a future flight booking
A letter from your Doctor or Hospital(either from UK or from your Home Country) stating your medical conditions, your age and stating that "they recommmend that it is not advisable for you to travel for next 1/2/3/4 months, etc.
The CIT will consider all applications on a case-by-case basis. We strongly advise that you should not ask for any extensions beyond 31 December 2020.
We have successfully advised clients considering the facts of their individual cases on:
the merits of success,
the type of evidence required
If you need specific advise to your particular circumstances, you may book a paid consultation on our website at
Below is an example letter of Confirmation of Exceptional Assurance to give you an idea of what an approval looks like.

This article is a general advise, for detailed advice specific to your circumstances, please book an online paid consultation with us(click here)