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Settled Status letter confirming the rights/duties of the Individual who would acquire the Settled Status

Dear Applicant,                                                                                                           Date: ____________


I am pleased to inform you that your application under the EU Settlement Scheme has been successful and that you have been granted Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the United Kingdom under Appendix EU to the Immigration Rules. This is also referred to as Settled Status. Your status takes effect from the date of this email, which can be found above.


This email is not proof of your status. Your settled status in the UK can be confirmed online through the Home Office online checking service:

‘View and Prove your Rights in the UK’ - weblink will be provided here


Important information about the Home Office online checking service and about your status and rights is included below.


Important information

Your status

As you now have settled status there is no time limit on how long you can stay in the UK.


Your settled status gives you the right to stay in the UK under UK immigration law. You can also continue to exercise your EU law rights in the UK. This means that the rights you have with settled status exist at the same time as any rights you have as an EU citizen under the EU Free Movement Directive (2004/38/EC).


Online evidence of your status

This Email is not proof of your status in the UK. Your status is linked to the passport or identity card that was used to apply for the scheme.

You can view your digital status at any time using this service: - weblink will be provided here


In line with existing requirements, you may be required to prove your status in order to demonstrate your right to work, or to access benefits and services, for example to prospective employers and landlords, the National Health Service (NHS), other Government departments and local authorities.


As well as being able to use valid residence documentation or a passport or national identity card to evidence your status until 31 December 2020, you can soon also use the Home Office online checking service to prove your rights.


From October 2018 you will be able to use the online checking service to show your right to work to an employer by allowing them to access your status online. In due course, it will also be available to you to show a landlord your right to rent. Checks are already carried out by employers or landlords when you wish to work or rent in the UK but this online service will allow the checking of your new settled status. This information is protected by data protection legislation and employers and landlords will only be able to check your status if you have given them permission to do so, by providing them with the relevant internet link and a unique code. Details of these services and how to access them will be available via your online digital profile.


You will need to keep us updated if you change your passport or identity card for any reason. As most passports and identity cards expire every 10 years, you will probably need to inform the Home Office within the next 10 years of the details of your replacement documentation. To receive updates from the Home Office about your status, please make sure to keep us informed via your online profile if your contact details change. You can find out more about viewing and proving your rights at:


Work and access to services

You do not need permission from a Government department to take or change employment. You may engage in business or an occupation, or be self-employed, as long as you comply with any legal requirements for that activity. You will still need to prove your right to work in the UK to employers, just as you do now.


You do not need permission to enrol in education or continue studying.


You are entitled to NHS healthcare if you are ordinarily resident in the UK.


Whether you are entitled to benefits and other public funds depends on whether you meet the relevant eligibility requirements which are set by the issuing Government department, local authority or delivery partner.


Time outside the UK

Under current UK immigration law, if you are absent from the UK for more than two consecutive years, your settled status will lapse. If you leave the UK and return within two years, you can enter the UK and continue to live here as a person with settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme.


Parliament will be invited to amend UK immigration law if a final agreement with the EU on citizens’ rights is reached, so that you can then be absent from the UK for up to five consecutive years before your settled status lapses.


If you wish to return to the UK after your settled status has lapsed, you will need to make a new application under one of the routes which may be available to you. In the application, you will need to meet the requirements of the Immigration Rules in force at that time.


Family members

As a person with settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, your family members may be able to join or remain with you in the UK under the EU Settlement Scheme. Or you may be able to sponsor a family visa for them – you can find further information about this at:


British citizenship

If you would like to find out about becoming a British citizen, you can find information at:


If a child is born to you in the UK while you have settled status, they will be a British citizen automatically at birth. You can find further information about this at:


Removal from the UK

Where a person who is not a British citizen commits a criminal offence, consideration will be given to whether they should be permitted to continue living in the UK. 


For more information about EU citizens and their family members in the UK, please see: 


For further information or if you have any queries, our contact details are on our website: 


Official - sensitive

Handling Instructions: Contains personal sensitive information, subject to confidentiality requirements under the Data Protection Act. Do not circulate this information without prior approval.


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