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Part 1 of 2 - List of documents for UK Employer Sponsor Licence for Skilled Worker Route visas

Part 1 of 2 - List of documents for UK Employer Sponsor Licence for Skilled Worker Route visas

List of documents and information required to file Sponsor Licence Application for a UK Employer to apply for Tier 2 (General) Sponsor Licence - (Part 1 of 2) Download this list at: To subscribe: For applying for Sponsor Licence for the UK Employer, please provide at least four documents from the below list and all the information below: Documents required a certificate of VAT registration Current Financial Report or Audited Annual Report with the name of the Accountant clearly shown. The Accountant should be a member of an Accredited Accounting Body (CIMA, CIPFA, ACCA, ACA etc). Evidence of Registration with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as an employer to pay PAYE & National Insurance. Provide proof of PAYE Reference Number & Accounts Office Reference Number. (Evidence of registration must be original or certified copies of documentation issued by HMRC only) Latest Notice to file a Company Tax Return - CT603 & Company Tax Return - CT600 (Both parts must be supplied). Certificate of VAT registration; and/or latest VAT return confirming VAT registration number if turnover in excess of £85,000. Latest Corporate/Business Bank Statement and/or a letter from your Bank setting out the dealings it has had with you, including the nature and duration of its dealings. Please note that if both documents are submitted, this will only count as one document Proof of ownership or lease of your business premises. If you send a copy of your lease agreement it must be signed by all parties concerned. If you are required to be registered with and/or inspected/monitored by a regulatory body to operate lawfully in the UK, UKVI will need to check that you are registered and to see your last inspection report where appropriate. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ​ ​ ​ Information required you must provide the information below (as well as the documents from the following tables) or your application will be rejected. Tell us: • why are you applying for a sponsor licence • what sector you operate in • what are your opening/operating hours You must provide an up to date hierarchy chart detailing any owner, director and board members. If your business has 50 employees or fewer, you must list all employees and set out the names and titles of all staff. Tell us about the jobs you wish to fill and for which you intend to assign a certificate of sponsorship (CoS). Include the following information for each job: • job title and Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code • duties • where the job sits on the hierarchy chart referred to above • minimum salary you would guarantee if the job were vacant today • skill, experience and qualifications required You must indicate which jobs are currently vacant and for which you intend to assign a CoS. If you have already identified someone that you wish to employ via the sponsorship system, you should provide evidence of how you identified this person. If you identified this person as a result of a recruitment process, you should include copies of advertisements placed to recruit for the job, details of any applicants and why they were not suitable for the job. You should confirm whether the person is already working for you. If you have not advertised the job and the migrant is not currently working for you, you should confirm how you identified that this person was the most suitable for the job. If you have already identified a person, including if they are a migrant already working for you, and intend to assign a CoS to them, you should provide the following details of the person: • full name • date of birth • nationality • current immigration status • current job title and duties • 3 monthly payslips, if applicable
Part 2 of 2 - List of documents for UK Employer Sponsor Licence for Skilled Worker Route visas

Part 2 of 2 - List of documents for UK Employer Sponsor Licence for Skilled Worker Route visas

List of documents and information required to file Sponsor Licence Application for a UK Employer to apply for Tier 2 (General) Sponsor Licence - (Part 2 of 2) Download this list at: To subscribe: _________________________ For Small employers(less than 50 employees) or for new Businesses the following Information is required: What is the employee’s role in the business (include job title and details of the duties their role entails) and the SOC Code for the position you are wanting to fill? What is the salary for this position? Please provide evidence to show how you can sustain this salary such as accounts (if not already provided), and any available sales forecasts and business development plans. Please could you state the number of employees you currently employ and provide a current up to date hierarchy/organisation chart for your current staff employed along with their National Insurance number/s which also includes all Directors of the company? Please state which method you use to advertise any vacancies and provide documentation to demonstrate this? Please note we will only grant a Tier 2 Licence where a role is highly specialised and therefore the position could not be easily filled from the local labour market, or when a business has been unable to find a suitable candidate following a thorough and appropriate recruitment search. Please provide evidence and state why this role is a specialised role and please state which skills/experience/educational qualifications the potential candidate would require? What other previous employment or business experience does the applicant need to have? If no experience is necessary then can you state why a person from the resident labour market cannot do the job? Please provide evidence such as job adverts to show that you have made genuine efforts to fill these positions or to recruit from the local labour market before recruiting candidates from outside the UK and EEA and can you details the number of people that applied and reasons for refusal on each resident worker who applied. Can you details the number of people that applied and reasons for refusal on each resident worker Please provide any current and proposed contracts for migrant workers. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rules for Certifying documents: Certifying a document 8.4 The person certifying the documents must be: the issuing authority, a practicing barrister, a solicitor, a notary, a chartered accountant for certification of financial documents only The person must not be: related to you living at the same address in a personal relationship with you The certifier must confirm the copy of the document by: writing ‘Certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me’ on the document signing and dating it printing their name under the signature adding their occupation, address and telephone number If a document has more than one page we will accept the document if the pages are bound together and the certification statement must include the number of pages the document contains. If a certifier’s details cannot be verified, the document will be rejected. Printouts of PDF files are copies of an original document and must be certified in line with guidelines above. The certifier must confirm that they have seen the original email containing the file.
List of documents & information required for Employer Sponsor Licence for Senior Specialist Worker

List of documents & information required for Employer Sponsor Licence for Senior Specialist Worker

List of documents and information required to file Sponsor Licence Application for a UK Company to apply for Tier 2 (Intra Company Transfer) Sponsor Licence #sachinsawantukvisa #visasolutions #10yrlongresidenceilr #ilr #studentvisauk #ukimmigration , #ukvisa , #ukbusinessvisa , #ukimmigrationlawyer , #ukresidency , #uktouristvisa , #ukspouseopenworkpermit , #ukvisitorvisa , #ukimmigrationlaw , #ukbusinessimmigration , #ukstudy , #ukspousevisa , #immigrationuk, #ukimmigrationsolicitors Download this list at: To subscribe: Book Video consultation at: Book Application Support Service at: Documents from Parent Entity outside the UK - at least one of the below documents Head Office’s Audited Accounts clearly showing the link between the two entities. If this document is available to view online, please provide the link of the website where it is available. Head Office’s Audited Annual Report clearly showing the link between the two entities. If this document is available to view online, please provide the link of the website where it is available. An affidavit, signed by a senior partner/executive within the UK entity, identifying all of the connected entities both in the UK and overseas. Certified copy of the share register or equivalent of one or other of the entities showing ownership by the entity or a copy of the share registers of both entities showing the common parent company. Certified copy of the agreement naming both entities as parties or one entity as a party and the other entity as the subject of the agreement which allows one entity to control the composition of the other entity’s board. Certified copy of the agreement naming both entities as parties or one entity as a party and the other entity as the subject of the agreement which allows one entity to cast or control the casting of more than half the maximum number of votes that might be cast at a general meeting of the other entity. Certified copy of the joint venture agreement naming both entities as parties or one entity as a party and the other entity as the entity formed by that agreement. Certified copy of the agreement naming both entities as parties or one entity as a party and the other entity as the entity formed by that agreement that would constitute a joint venture agreement other than for the fact that joint venture agreements are not permitted in the country of operation or one of the entities is not permitted to enter into joint ventures in the country of operation. Articles of Association. Documents from Related Entity in the UK - at least four of the below documents a certificate of VAT registration a letter from UK Trade and Industry setting out the involvement it has had with you in helping you to establish a business in the UK. a letter from your corporate banking provider, setting out the dealings it has had with you, including the nature and duration of those dealings. Current Financial Report or Audited Annual Report with the name of the Accountant clearly shown. The Accountant should be a member of an Accredited Accounting Body (CIMA, CIPFA, ACCA, ACA etc). Evidence of Registration with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as an employer to pay PAYE & National Insurance. Provide proof of PAYE Reference Number & Accounts Office Reference Number. (Evidence of registration must be original or certified copies of documentation issued by HMRC only) Latest Notice to file a Company Tax Return - CT603 & Company Tax Return - CT600 (Both parts must be supplied). Certificate of VAT registration; and/or latest VAT return confirming VAT registration number if turnover in excess of £85,000. Latest Corporate/Business Bank Statement and/or a letter from your Bank setting out the dealings it has had with you, including the nature and duration of its dealings. Please note that if both documents are submitted, this will only count as one document Proof of ownership or lease of your business premises. If you send a copy of your lease agreement it must be signed by all parties concerned. If you are required to be registered with and/or inspected/monitored by a regulatory body to operate lawfully in the UK, UKVI will need to check that you are registered and to see your last inspection report where appropriate.
Part 1 of 2 - Worker Route - Sponsor Licence to hire migrants (incl. European Nationals)

Part 1 of 2 - Worker Route - Sponsor Licence to hire migrants (incl. European Nationals)

Detailed review of the Worker Route Tier 2 Sponsor Licence for UK Employers to hire migrant workers (including European Nationals) under a Work Permit - Tier 2 - (Part 1 of 2) #sachinsawantukvisa #visasolutions #10yrlongresidenceilr #ilr #studentvisauk #ukimmigration , #ukvisa , #ukbusinessvisa , #ukimmigrationlawyer , #ukresidency , #uktouristvisa , #ukspouseopenworkpermit , #ukvisitorvisa , #ukimmigrationlaw , #ukbusinessimmigration , #ukstudy , #ukspousevisa , #immigrationuk, #ukimmigrationsolicitors Access the below page on our website and follow along the video: To subscribe: Book Video Consultation at: Book Sponsor Licence Application Support Service at: Tier 2 Sponsorship Licence Every UK Employer (the 'Sponsor') who wishes to hire a migrant employee, is required to apply for Sponsor Licence. Sponsor may choose to apply for a licence in a particular category such as Tier 2 (General) or Tier 2 (Intra Company Transfer) or in all categories, provided they are able to justify the need. ​ (Migrant is any individual who requires a visa to work in the UK, i.e. he/she is not British or European or Settled in the UK or their family member. The migrant may be within the UK or outside the UK) ​ In order to apply for the Sponsor Licence, the following requirements must be met: Sponsor must be: a Genuine, Active, Trading and Legal organisation (either Company or Partnership or Sole Trader) in the UK able to nominate either one individual ('senior employee') or several individuals to act as the Authorising Officer, Key Personnel and Level 1 User, who will be responsible to the UK Home Office for the compliances, etc. have no history of breach the UK Immigration laws able to keep proper Human Resource records of all the sponsored migrants Sponsor's Duties: Report to UK Home Office if the migrant does not turn up for work without permission for a significant period of time Maintain records of all the sponsored migrants such as contact details and copy of their biometric residence permit (BRP) Provide UK Home Office with any documents as requested Duty to act honestly in any dealings with Home Office Categories of Sponsorships: Tier 2 (General) Tier 2 (Intra Company Transfer) Tier 2 (Ministers of Religion) Tier 2 (Sportsperson) Tier 2 (General): There must be a Genuine Vacancy to hire the migrant Sponsor must have done a Labour Market test and has been unable to fill the vacancy with a Settled worker, unless the job is listed in the Shortage Occupation List, which is available at Migrant cannot own more than 10% of the sponsor's shares unless the Migrant earns more than GBP 155300 annually from the sponsored employment Visa for 3 or 5 years, can be extended for a maxmium of 6 years Migrant should have GBP 945 in savings held for at least 90 days, alternatively, the Sponsor can certify maintenance in the Certificate of Sponsorship Migrant must meet the English language requirement by one of the following ways: 1. must have passed an approved English language test, at least or above CEFR level B1 in reading, writing, speaking and listening. This test can be taken anywhere in the world, or 2. must have an academic qualification that was taught in English and is recognised by UK NARIC as being equivalent to or above a UK Bachelor's Degree, or 3. You must be Exempt from the English Language Requirement Tier 2 (Intra Company Transfer): Multinational companies wishing to transfer employees to their UK branch There should be a direct link between the Company outside the UK and their UK branch, either by Common Ownership or Control Migrant should have GBP 945 in savings held for at least 90 days, alternatively, the Sponsor can certify maintenance in the Certificate of Sponsorship No English language requirement for the migrant to satisfy Migrant can stay for a maximum period of: 5 years and 1 months - If earning less than GBP 155300 annually 9 years - If earning more than GBP 155300 annually​ Tier 2 (Ministers of Religion): Sponsor should be a registered, excepted or exempted charity Sponsor is a faith based community with a common system of belief and spiritial goals Sponsor does not encourage others to breach any UK Legislation Sponsor does not work against public interest or has any detrimental effect on common man's life in the UK​ Tier 2 (Sportsperson): Sponsor should be a sporting body/club or event organiser Sponsor should have endorsement from Home Office Approved sports governing body for the particular sport
Part 2 of 2 - Worker Route - Sponsor Licence to hire migrants (incl. European Nationals)

Part 2 of 2 - Worker Route - Sponsor Licence to hire migrants (incl. European Nationals)

Detailed review of the Worker Route Tier 2 Sponsor Licence for UK Employers to hire migrant workers (including European Nationals) under a Work Permit - Tier 2 - (Part 2 of 2) #sachinsawantukvisa #visasolutions #10yrlongresidenceilr #ilr #studentvisauk #ukimmigration , #ukvisa , #ukbusinessvisa , #ukimmigrationlawyer , #ukresidency , #uktouristvisa , #ukspouseopenworkpermit , #ukvisitorvisa , #ukimmigrationlaw , #ukbusinessimmigration , #ukstudy , #ukspousevisa , #immigrationuk, #ukimmigrationsolicitors Access the below page on our website and follow along the video: To subscribe: Book Video Consultation at: Book Sponsor Licence Application Support Service at: Examples of Documents required to apply for Tier 2 Sponsor Licence: Employer's Liability Insurance document Proof of registration with HMRC as self-employed Statement of Account - SA300 or SA302 Proof of registration with HMRC as an employer to pay PAYE and National Insurance Latest Notice to file a Company Tax Return - CT603 & Company Tax Return - CT600 both parts must be supplied Evidence of registration with the regulatory body If the Local Authority requires you to obtain planning permission to operate your type/class of business, copy of such permission If the business is required to register for VAT as per their turnover, then VAT registration certificate Business Bank Statements or a letter from Bank stating the nature and duration of the Sponsor's dealings with the Bank Business Premises lease or ownership documents Licence to serve alcohol, if applicable ​ UK Home Office takes about 3 to 6 weeks from the date of application depending upon how busy the UKVI department is, to process the application. Sponsor Licence Processing time: Sponsor Licence is valid for 4 years Sponsor Licence Validity:

Skilled Worker Sponsorship Licence


Every UK Employer (the 'Sponsor') who wishes to hire a migrant employee, is required to apply for Sponsor Licence. Sponsor may choose to apply for a licence in a particular category such as Skilled Worker or Global Business Mobility, etc. or in all categories, provided they are able to justify the need.

(Migrant is any individual who requires a visa to work in the UK, i.e. he/she is not British or European(including Eu EU Family member) with Pre-settled or Settled Status or Settled in the UK. The migrant may be within the UK or outside the UK)

We help businesses and corporates with the whole Sponsor Licensing process from start to finish. We always come up in the search for a Sponsor Licence Solicitor in London.

 In order to apply for the Sponsor Licence, the following requirements must be met:

Sponsor must be:

  • a Genuine, Active, Trading and Legal organisation (either Company or Partnership or Sole Trader) in the UK

  • able to nominate either one individual ('senior employee') or several individuals to act as the Authorising Officer, Key Personnel and Level 1 User, who will be responsible to the UK Home Office for the compliances, etc.

  • have no history of breach the UK Immigration laws

  • able to keep proper Human Resource records of all the sponsored migrants

Sponsor's Duties:

  • Report to UK Home Office if the migrant does not turn up for work without permission for a significant period of time

  • Maintain records of all the sponsored migrants such as contact details and copy of their biometric residence permit (BRP)

  • Provide UK Home Office with any documents as requested

  • Duty to act honestly in any dealings with Home Office

Categories of Sponsorships:

  • Skilled Worker

  • Senior or Specialist Worker visa (Global Business Mobility)

  • Minister of Religion visa (T2)

  • International Sportsperson visa

 Skilled Worker:

  • There must be a Genuine Vacancy to hire the migrant

  • Visa for any period between 6 months to 5 years, usually employers prefer to sponsor for either 3 or 5 years, can be extended for a maximum of 6 years. The total visa fees will increase in proportion to the duration of the visa

  • If the Migrant is not living in the UK with a valid visa for at least 12 months, then the Migrant should have GBP 1270 in savings held for at least 28 days, alternatively, the Sponsor can certify maintenance in the Certificate of Sponsorship

  • Migrant must meet the English language requirement, see details at:

Intra Company Transfer:

  • Multinational companies wishing to transfer employees to their UK branch

  • There should be a direct link between the Company outside the UK and their UK branch, either by Common Ownership or Control

  • If the Migrant is not living in the UK with a valid visa for at least 12 months, then the Migrant should have GBP 1270 in savings held for at least 28 days, alternatively, the Sponsor can certify maintenance in the Certificate of Sponsorship

  • No English language requirement for the migrant to satisfy

  • Migrant can stay for a maximum period of:

5 years in any 6 year period - If earning less than GBP 73900 annually

9 years in any 10 year period - If earning more than GBP 73900 annually​

Ministers of Religion(T2):

  • Sponsor should be a registered, excepted or exempted charity

  • Sponsor is a faith based community with a common system of belief and spiritial goals

  • Sponsor does not encourage others to breach any UK Legislation

  • Sponsor does not work against public interest or has any detrimental effect on common man's life in the UK​


  • Sponsor should be a sporting body/club or event organiser

  • Sponsor should have endorsement from Home Office Approved sports governing body for the particular sport

Examples of Documents required to apply for Skilled Worker Sponsor Licence:

  • Employer's Liability Insurance document

  • Proof of registration with HMRC as self-employed

  • Statement of Account - SA300 or SA302

  • Proof of registration with HMRC as an employer to pay PAYE and National Insurance

  • Latest Notice to file a Company Tax Return - CT603 & Company Tax Return - CT600 both parts must be supplied

  • Evidence of registration with the regulatory body

  • If the Local Authority requires you to obtain planning permission to operate your type/class of business, copy of such permission

  • If the business is required to register for VAT as per their turnover, then VAT registration certificate

  • Business Bank Statements or a letter from Bank stating the nature and duration of the Sponsor's dealings with the Bank

  • Business Premises lease or ownership documents

  • Licence to serve alcohol, if applicable

Sponsor Licence Processing time:

UK Home Office takes about 3 to 6  weeks from the date of application depending upon how busy the UKVI department is, to process the application.

Sponsor Licence Validity:

Sponsor Licence is valid for 4 years

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