UK Civil Partner Visa - also known as UK Civil Partnership Visa
You can apply under this category if you are a national of a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland and are in a Civil Partnership with a British/Settled Person and wish to join/accompany/continue to live with your Civil Partner in the UK. This visa can be applied either from within the UK or from outside the UK. In order to apply, the following requirements must be met:
Sponsor must be:
a British Citizen, or
Settled in the UK (Indefinite Leave to Remain or Permanent Residence holder), or
a holder of asylum or humanitarian protection in the UK
Civil Partner Visa Requirements:
You must meet the Financial Requirement - see details below
You must meet the English Language Requirement - see details below
Relationship Requirement - Your relationship must be genuine and subsisting on the date of the application
Age Requirement - You and your Civil Partner must be at least 18 years of age
Marriage Requirement - You should have a valid and legal marriage certificate
You and your Civil Partner must have met each other in person
You must intend to live together with your Civil Partner in the UK
Your and your Civil Partner's any previous relationships must have permanently broken down (In case of previously married individuals, Final Divorce document required)
Financial Requirement:
You and/or Your Civil Partner's Income must be at least GBP 18,600 per year - only you are applying
You and/or Your Civil Partner's Income must be at least GBP 22,400 per year - you and one Dependant is applying
Additional Income of GBP 2,400 per year - for each additional Dependant, who is applying with you
The Financial Requirement can also be satisfied by showing adequate savings. The savings amount depends on the income shortfall. We will calculate this for you during the initial consultation.
English Language Requirement:
You must have passed an approved English language test, at least or above CEFR level A1 in speaking and listening. This test can be taken anywhere in the world, or
You must have an academic qualification that was taught in English and is recognised by UK NARIC as being equivalent to or above a UK Bachelor's Degree, or
You must be Exempt from the English Language Requirement
Dependants on Civil Partner Visa:
You can also include your children who are under 18 years of age, to accompany you as your dependants on your Civil Partner visa.
Where to apply from:
You can apply from within the UK or from outside the UK
Please note that everyone cannot file their applications from within the UK, only those applicants whose current visa category allows them to switch into the Civil Partner Visa category can file their applications from within the UK.
You can file from within the UK if you are on the following visas:
Fiance Visa
Any Points Based Visa such as Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 4 (Student), Tier 5 visas.
Any other visa (except Visitors Visa)
Applicants without any leave to remain cannot file within the UK.
Duration/Validity of the Civil Partner Visa:
If you are applying from outside the UK, you are initially given a 33 months visa
If you are applying from within the UK, you are initially given a 30 months visa
Rights/Obligations whilst living in the UK on a Civil Partner Visa:
You can work in the UK without any restrictions. You may establish a business or accept offers of employment without requiring a work permit.
You / anyone on your behalf, cannot receive public funds to assist you/your dependants with your/your dependants living and accomodation costs.
You are eligible to study in the UK without any restrictions
Visa Processing time:
For Applications filed within the UK:
UKVI takes about 12 to 16 weeks from the date of application depending upon how busy the UKVI department is, to process the application through the postal application service.
Also, this application can be filed through the Premium Service (Same Day) service by paying addtional premium service fees of GBP 500.00 per applicant/dependant, whereby the Approval Letter is given on the date of filing of the application and the Biometric Residence Permit (Visa Card) is sent within 3 to 7 working days.
For Applications filed outside the UK:
The UKVI takes about 6 to 8 weeks from the date of application, to process the application under the normal service. Also, in some countries, this application can be filed through the Priority Service for additional fees, whereby the processing time is about 2 to 3 weeks, depending upon the country where the application is filed and how busy the UKVI is in that country.
Extending your Visa:
You can extend your Civil Partner visa for a further period of 30 months, if your relationship is still subsisting. You will be required to provide most of the documents you provided at the time of your first grant along with an addition of Cohabitation documents since your first grant of Civil Partner visa to show that you have been living together with your Husband/Wife continuously. If you do not have all the cohabitation documents, please contact us to discuss your options.
Applying for Settlement (Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK):
5 Year Partner Route:
If you and/or your Partner met the Financial Requirement at the time of filing your Civil Partner Visa, then you would be granted your Civil Partner visa under the 5 year partner route. If you and your Partner continued to be in a relationship and continued to meet the financial requirement throughout the 5 year period, then you may apply for Settlement at the end of your 5 year stay in the UK on a Civil Partner Visa.
10 Year Partner Route:
If you and/or your Partner did not meet the Financial Requirement at the time of filing your Civil Partner Visa, and UKVI considered your case to be appropriate under the 10 year partner route, then you would be granted your Civil Partner visa under the 10 year partner route. If you and your Partner continued to be in a relationship throughout the 10 year period, then you may apply for Settlement at the end of your 10 year stay in the UK on a Civil Partner Visa.
30 min
150 British pounds